Essential Steps to Keep Your New Window Tint Looking Brand-New for the Long Term

8 June 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Auto window tinting has steadily become a must-have for many motorists, and this can be credited to the array of advantages that they are set to reap. Cosmetically, a window tint can enhance the aesthetic value of your vehicle dramatically and, resultantly, increases its price too. Moreover, thermal resistance window tints work to keep the interior of your car protected from the scorching Australian sun, and this accords you a comfortable drive each time you get into your car.

However, to make the most of these and other benefits, you must provide the window tint with the utmost care. To ensure you are doing this right, here are essential steps that will help keep your new window tint looking brand-new for the long term.

Do not tamper with it for several days

Once you acquire something new, it is human nature to want to touch it every chance you can get. And while this does not pose any problems when you are interacting with, for example, a new phone, it is highly inadvisable with a newly installed window tint. After the professionals are done installing the window tint, they will let it cure for several hours before you can take your car back home. Nonetheless, this does not mean that the tint is fully dry.

Instead, it will take a few more days for it to fully bond onto the windshield while its surface dries. If you are to touch the tint at this time, you will leave unsightly fingerprints that will become a permanent blemish on the tint. Not only should you leave the tint untouched, but you should also resist the urge to open the doors, roll down the windows and so on.

Do not use harsh cleaning agents

Since the window tint is installed on the exterior of your car, it is vulnerable to collecting dirt in the same way that your vehicle normally does. Hence, with time, you will find detritus in the form of dust, mud, faecal matter from birds, squished bugs and so much more. Ideally, you should leave the cleaning of your windows to a professional car wash, as the professionals will know how best to get the window tint clean without posing any damage to it. But if this option is not viable to you, you must be gentle with the tint.

As a rule of thumb, you should never use any harsh cleaning agents or scouring detergents, as these will damage the surface of the tint irreparably. The best way to get rid of grime would be using a microfibre cloth that is soaked in a solution of specialised window cleaner and warm water. Take note that you should never apply too much pressure on the glass because this will inadvertently damage the window tint too.
