Signs Your Car Windscreen Needs a Replacement: When to Take Action

30 June 2023
 Categories: , Blog

Your car windscreen plays an important role in maintaining your vehicle's structural integrity. It also keeps you and your passengers safe. Over time, a combination of degradation and unforeseen circumstances may result in it needing repair. As a car owner, it's your responsibility to know when a car windscreen repair is necessary. 

Visible Cracks and Chips

Whether it's an errant rock or damage following a storm, any crack or chip requires an urgent assessment. Even the smallest of chips might compromise your windscreen's integrity. When exposed to extreme temperatures, they could spread further. If a small chip occurs while driving, you may be able to continue. However, you should see a specialist ASAP so they can perform a repair or replace your windscreen.

Spreading or Expanding Cracks

Cracks that continue to spread or expand always need immediate attention. You shouldn't continue driving or using your vehicle, as there's a chance the crack could seriously compromise your visibility on the road. Cracks that are expanding might suddenly lead to a shattered windscreen while you're in the middle of driving. It's incredibly difficult to keep your vehicle under control when this happens, so don't risk it. 

Obstructed Vision

Various factors can obstruct your vision when you're driving. In a lot of cases, this means cracks. A small crack in your line of sight has the potential to reduce your reaction times, which could mean you're more likely to crash. Windscreens that fog easily and don't clear may also need a replacement if looseness is the problem. If you have a tinted windscreen and it becomes defective, you need to assess whether tackling the tint will help or whether you need a replacement. Replacing your windscreen in such instances ensures you stay as safe as possible in both normal and adverse driving conditions.

Loose Seals

Secure seals are essential for keeping your windscreen in place. After years of driving, the seals keeping your windscreen intact may loosen. Loose seals allow debris and moisture to enter, which might cause damage to the screen itself. In some cases, replacing the seals alone is sufficient. However, if you allow the problem to persist and damage occurs to the outer edges of your windscreen, a professional may need to replace it.

In conclusion, it's worth taking a quick glance at your windscreen before each drive to look for signs of damage. Addressing issues sooner rather than later may allow you to benefit from a repair rather than a full replacement. Reach out to a company that offers car windscreen replacement services to learn more.
